Ah yes... boxing! There are always great photos to get when you go to a boxing place... this guy is one of the guys my paper is doing a feature on... I wish I had more time but when you shooting in a limited time slot and have a deadline to catch for more than just your paper then, well, you get what you get sometimes. I will post the link on the feature they do on him once its finished up. He is and interesting guy.
I'm thinking of experimenting with rear-flash techniques. Disregarding how nice the natrual light is here, do you think that a rear flash could have made a nice effect here?
You dont know until you try it. The first time I ever used a reflector was when I shot the little girls in the park
I'm not talkign about a reflector. I'm talking about how you can choose to have the flash fire off at the very last second that your shutter stays open for a motion blur.
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