AH yes High School Football season is upon us again and you gotta love the lights they have! lol yeah they are not that good.

I forgot how much fun it is to shoot these games and im sure even more fun when I get a 400mm 2.8 IS lens and sit on my lazy butt and shoot from one side of the field.

I did get to meet a photographer who was shooting for the Aragon yearbook since his kids went and go to that school... and... for once in a long time... I had "Camera Envy" HE HAD 2... YES... TWO NIKON D3s... waaaa... but no he was no regular parent.. he was a wedding photographer of 18 years... oh well, nice guy though thats for sure.
Really nice set here. The first four photos are all great, and the fact that they all seem to have come from the same play makes it even better. Are you glad that your camera didn't have any focus problems? Good stuff as always.
Holy crap man... I was jumping for joy when I finally got a good shot of action with no trouble of focus...
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